Nominations are now closed.
→ View all nominated plates.
A Plate A Day is 29 13 pieces away from Plate #1000 and I'm accepting nominations by whatever means: here in comments, @aplateaday, email to mkhargie/at/gmail, M Khargie on Google+. You don't need to be a potter to send a favorite piece in (it could be something you inherited or saw on Pinterest or in a shop, for instance), all I ask is that the image be clear and at least 400 700 pixels wide. This time, your nominations should be for plates only, no other forms (sorry!). Looking forward to seeing all of that amazing work!
Nominations will close at midnight on Friday, August 31, 2012.
Update: All of the submissions will be posted on Flickr.
Please include all artist/studio information--if you made it, let us know. And if there are any stories associated with the piece, do let us know about those. Potters, please include an url to your portfolio.
Hi Mignon
My favourite pieces:
Thank you so much!
I nominate Michele Hastings, here is a link http://www.etsy.com/listing/91978635/green-flower-platepasta-dish
and Ron Philbeck, here is the link
I have become a big fan of Andrew Luddick lately.
Here is a plate I just pinned that will lead to his blog and more pics:
I shamelessly sent a few pictures in of plates I created myself. The caption should read cone 10 not cone 20 - ooops. This is my url, but it is definitely a work in progress www.hotzart.com. Thanks for having this site, it's been wonderful viewing everyone's great work. Bonnie Hotz.
Bonnie, happy to have your plates added to the mix for #1000, and I made that correction on Flickr. I used to do this every 100 plates but while it was wonderful to see all of the nominations, it was wrenching to pick just one. A big thanks to all the awesome artists who sent in their own pieces, and thanks to all of your friends who love your work so much they're compelled to do the same. All of your wonderful work will stay on Flickr in the #1000 set. Send more in! It's fascinating to see such a range.
Hi Mignon, I am new on Flickr and I can't figure out how to add an image to the #1000 flickr picture page... I am shamelessly putting up my own plate because I think it would be so much fun to be a part of plate a day because I am crazy about plates and have been making them for about 20 years....thanks so much, Cathy
My new photostream with a small sample of plates.
A plate I created, or actually, re-created.
Thank you, love you blog!
Anita Abtahi
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