Update: Thanks to everyone who left an url! The 200th plate will be posted on Tuesday.
I am always astonished when I see the number of plates already on the site, and I just realised that plate #200 is fast approaching. So how about a small contest for #200: You send me, in the comments on this site, the url to your favorite plate (see rules below), and the winner will receive one of my own hand painted plates (above). That entry will be posted as plate #200.
I'm happy that my good friend, Karen Templer, has agreed to judge the contest. As she says, Karen earns her living making beautiful books. She was also the proprietor of Readerville.com, the best community site for people who care about books and ideas. Sadly, Readerville suspended operations on June 5th.
Thank you so much for all of the nice notes you have left me. I'm just amazed by the beautiful work I find online, and updating this site is a privilege.
(Update: The contest prize plate has been changed from this to the one above, and I've organized the rules below to make things a little easier)
1. We need an url for the image of the plate, name of the artist and (if possible) any production information
2. We'll accept submissions for bowls and platters
3. The plate must not have been published before on this site
4. It's totally fine to plug your own plate. Go for it :)
5. Multiple submissions are fine
6. The contest will close at midnight (Pacific) on Thursday, July 16th.
Really enjoy seeing your images every day. Here's my favorite plate (today). It's 10.5 inches in diameter, salt glazed, from the late 90's by Michael Simon. Hope this URL works - http://pris-n-fred.phanfare.com/3472996#imageID=-61459014.
Here is one of my favorites, porcelain, by Lynn Smiser Bowers. http://www.lynnsmiserbowers.com/slides/plates/plates24/full.jpg
I am sorry you haven’t had more comments on this post, maybe we are all just overwhelmed by the plates you find for us to look at each day I know I am you do a brilliant job in finding them all. My favourate plate from antiquity is by Thomas Toft of Adam and Eve, this is the plate I would most like to own if I could have any in the whole world.
My nomination however is for one of my own plates because I am so in love with it! The really sad thing is I haven’t even successfully glazed it yet, I have been holding back for a while as this plate is definitely in the future work area and not what I am supposed to be doing at all right now. Pictured here, http://kittyshepherd.blogspot.com/2009/06/transmission-test-card-b.html , this is the forerunner for a bigger plate.
My only delay in posting is trying to pick a favourite! But finally, here it is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/morran/3500838095/in/set-72157608017907654/
It's a ceramic decal design by Camilla Engman of Studio Violet.
Of course, if we're nominating ourselves....
oh, and i posted on plates all last week, so you might find some more for this blog over there. :)
my url didn't work. Try this:
Sophie Milne (Victoria, Australia)Hand thrown stoneware plate/bowl. http://tinyurl.com/n4yg8d http://www.sophiemilneceramics.com/
i'd love to nominate one of alex's "pleased to meat you plates"... i'm a vegetarian and just get a kick out of them! my favorite is wing wing, hello?.
Well I was going to nominate Kitty Shepherd for this plate/platter:
I'll have to check the link for what she posted.
Oh I do also love the transmission test card of Kitty Shepherd but it was not glazed.
As long as we are nominating ourselves, here is one of mine:
Garden Fairy At Dusk - plate
Here is one more of mine which is not fired or glazed yet, I wish it was, since I'm really beginning to like this one:
Possum Platter
Today's plate will work as my favorite. Judith Rowe is a fabulous find!
Right I got it! These are the most amazing plates featuring brutalist archtecture called "Aint Concrete Great" this is the place to see them:-
Also the "1930's Modernist Seaside Villas" are brilliant too.
I saw them in Brighton about 4 years ago and they were great quality, all are transfer prited and very high quality.
I'm a self nominee which I can't help but feel slightly abash about.
Michelle Summers
The plate is 10.5 inches and porcelain. The decoration is an etched drawing and then inlaid with a mixture of stains after bisque. Fired cone 10 oxidation.
I suppose I'll nominate myself too :]
Pointed Plate: Kitty, Work or Sleep?
2009, slip-cast porcelain cone 10, screen-printed decals, 12 x 1.5 x 9 in.
Just noticed bowls also accepted.
Two more links, work by me, Larissa Titus.
Problem Bowls: The Squirrel in the Girl, The Bird in the Man
2009, slip-cast porcelain cone 10, screen-printed decals, (each) 4.75 x 2.5 x 4.75 in.
Blushed Bowls
I nominate this plate by Kitty Shepherd, white earthenware with sgraffito - it is the second plate on the post - the square one:
This is the link to the main page of my website gallery, the plate/platter I am submitting is the square one with two black lines and a red dot. It is the second square down if looking at the thumbnails.
Another self-nominee...I'm submitting my most recent favourite plate of mine which just got photographed and hasn't made it to my website quite yet. I posted it on my blog that included the premise for your blog:
It's a wheel-thrown plate with slightly curved sides, glazed to Cone 6, with hand-painted glazed Poppies on it, by me, Heather Dahl.
website: www.dahlhausart.com
Some shameless self-promotion:
Black swirl plattery-bowl: http://leili.org/pottery/pot1.html
Black and white bowly-platter:
(Both live on leili.org, specifically, http://www.leili.org/pottery/main.html).
Thanks for doing this, Mignon - gives us an opportunity to see even more great work!
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